Sunday, June 8, 2008

Preparing to Head Home!

We had a great time with Ashley's parents. We had some great food and great times this last few weeks. We are heading back to Nebraska today! We are all packed and so excited to see everyone. Wish us the best on our first flight with Lauren.

The Meyers at the Mendenhall Glacier on Saturday.

A juvenile black bear we spotted at the Glacier. This guy was all alone wandering the area digging up plants.

A few weeks ago we took our skiff out on Auke Lake to run it through its paces. Nate and his kids joined B.J. as they took a few laps around the lake. Don't worry, little Lauren stayed safely on the shore!

Monday, June 2, 2008

June Update

Hello from the great North. Life has taken a turn (for the better) these last few weeks with our new bundle of joy. Lauren is doing great, sleeping lots, eating lots (every 1 to 3 hours), and keeping us in awe at how amazing little babies really. We have kept busy adjusting to life with a little one, learning to sleep only 4-6 hours a night, sleeping whenever we can, planning all of our outings around her. In other words, she is the center of our world!

Ashley's parents have come up this week help out and have a little vacation. We are going to head back to Nebraska on June 8th and stay for a month. We can't wait to see all of our family and friends, and share Lauren with everybody!

Lauren taking it easy during one of her many naps...

On Memorial Day weekend we took Lauren for a walk around Rotary Park. Ashley and the baby are in the bottom right sitting down.

Lauren prepares for her very first walk with mom and dad.

We welcome Ashley's folks to town at the airport on Thursday, May 29th.